Sunday, April 17, 2011

Movie Stars.

Thanks to Perris for mentioning this video... good work, boys of Bay Terrace (and Perris the gardener).

Check back later in the week for the end of the year slideshow!

and good luck on finals!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Recap: February Activity

Our February activity was an excellent combination of food and talent.
The activity committee proved fantastic again with their organization, Jimmer videos, and delicious pizza! Here's a photo recap of our ward's talent:

Jen tappin' it up.
Katie and her friend's awesome ballroom dance.
Andrew's super-strength talent.
Arielle and her unique talent she acquired on-the-job.
The Thaxton's talent...
Oh, and the quartet's singing was pretty awesome, too.
The Aragon house busting a move.
Andrew confessing his love.

Recap: January Activity

Photos and Text by Amanda Oscarson

Our ward activity in January was at Seven Peaks Ice Arena. We got to play a little broom hockey then went back to Fleur-de-Lis for Krispy Kreme donuts and hot chocolate. We had a great turn out and had lots of fun. We even got the bishop to play with us!

Announcement: Ward Activity!

Come to this month's ward activity... a swim party!

Saturday, March 26th

8-10 p.m.

Lehi Aquatics Center
123 N Center St.
Lehi, UT

I promise... if you come, you'll be as happy as him!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The First Post.

Hello, and welcome to the long-awaited 72nd ward blog!
It's going to be awesome.
But, as you can see, it's still in need of some work... so please be patient!

This blog will be a space for announcements, recaps of activities (with photos!), words from the bishop... and just an overall excellent way to stay connected.

If you have a personal blog (on blogspot, tumblr, wordpress, etc.), please e-mail me the URL for it, so that I can link you up to our blog!

Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions/concerns:
Happy Sunday!